Rambling Along

Winter still holds us in its grip even as we have been tempted by some warmer, more pleasant weather is recent days. At school, as we move toward spring break, we are preparing for the annual administration of the ISAT tests given to all students in grades 3-8. The testing period will begin next Monday. In addition to the testing, we are busy updating financial and enrollment projections as we develop a budget for the 2011-2012 school year. As has been the case in the last two years, the development of a budget will be a delicate task given the continued slow economy and fragile state of the State of Illinois. At this time, we have a fairly accurate picture of our expenditures and a solid grasp of our local tax revenues. We are now focused on state funding levels and the federal support level for education programs. This picture is out of focus at this time as various organizations and groups advocate and struggle for the limited resources available. The demand for resources is unprecedented in this perilous time of very limited public funds for all government entities. I am certain that there will be no quick answers coming to us from either Springfield or Washington D.C. as the politicians and their parties posture and pontificate over their individual views of the world. It is interesting that this annual discussion seldom deals with the issues of what is needed to operate the various government entities, but rather what political philosophy or ideology is popular at the moment. As this continues, we will continue to strive to do more with less and maximize our limited resources for the good of the students of our community.
On a lighter note, the energetic and hardworking District 66 PTO has prepared a month of activities and fundraising opportunities. We hope that you will enjoy taking part in any of these events that help support our school district. Find information about these events on the web page at www.ccsd66.org
Have a good week!