Blizzard of 2011

This week we experienced a winter wonderland of sorts with 20 inches of snow falling on our area. While this blizzard was beautiful to behold it does place extreme operating issues for the school district. While the snow itself did no harm, it did prohibit most of our staff from getting to work to begin the clean up. Many local streets, especially in the Village of Woodridge, were not plowed until very late in the day or early Thursday morning making travel nearly impossible. Working with a limited team yesterday, we were able to clear all parking lots and free our buses from the firm grip of the snow and begin clearing fire doors at Lakeview.
Today, fully staffed,we will complete clearing entrances and fire doors at all buildings and further clean our drives and parking lots in anticipation of holding classes tomorrow, February 4th. Buildings will be cleaned from school classes held on Tuesday and be ready for students and teacher tomorrow. Many have inquired as to why schools were closed for two days and I think the basic answer is the massive amount of snow, the enormous amount of manual labor involved in clearing doorways to comply with student/occupant safety codes, and the uncertainty of travel and weather conditions this morning which could have made it impossible for all staff members to get to work. All neighboring schools and almost all of DuPage County schools are closed due to these issues. Most feeder school districts close when their high school district closes as many families have students in both school districts.
I hope that everyone is safe and warm. I hope that your own driveways are cleared and you are well. See you at school tomorrow!
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