Homecoming Thoughts

This past weekend Downers Grove South High School celebrated its annual Homecoming Event with a parade on a beautiful sunny cool afternoon followed by a victory over Willowbrook High school Friday evening and the Homecoming Dance on Saturday evening. It was good to see so many former students from the past at the football game Friday night.
Saturday evening brought a reunion/homecoming for members of the Lakeview Class of 1985 who came back to visit their “old” school after 25 years. After touring the building they adjourned to a local restaurant for food, refreshments and conversation. It was rewarding to see almost 40 people in this group, some of whom had traveled from as far as New Jersey and California to attend this event. It was wonderful to see that this group, consisting of people from all walks of life including, doctors, attorneys, nurses, business people, landscape designers, engineers, teachers, housewives and parents are all doing very well. It was particularly gratifying to hear them speak with one voice about how the District 66 experience had prepared them for high school, college and life much better than many of their peers. They spoke of the caring teachers, focused curriculum and opportunities in the arts and athletics. The most common theme expressed was that they were surrounded by caring adults that not only cared about them personally and academically but also held them accountable. This was a great evening of fond memories!
This week the BOE will pass a balanced budget for the 2010-2011 school year. Lack of state support, late state payments and a historically low tax cap have all placed stress on the school budget. To this point class sections have been reduced in number from six to five at grades K-5 but no programs or activities have been cut. The BOE continues to monitor the budget very carefully on a monthly basis to be sure that the community is getting the biggest bang for its dollars.
Have a good week. There is a chill in the air that autumn is really here!