School continues to be a very busy place. Now that open houses are behind us we have fall sporting events and other activities filling our days and nights. Lakeview physical education classes are in the midst of their golf unit which gives them the opportunity to practice their skills at the Ziegfeld Troy Golf Course on 75th Street. The Annual PTO Magazine Sale is in full swing and mid-terms are approaching quickly next week. There is no school this Friday, September 24th due to Teacher Institute Day where teachers will be training and learning about the Measure of Academic Progress (MAPs) testing program that will be used in the District beginning next month. Information regarding this new testing system will be coming home to parents soon from each building.
This weekend features the Old Quarry Cross Country Invitational in Lemont where our runners will compete with many others from the area. Downers Grove South High School celebrates its Homecoming weekend this Friday afternoon with a parade and football game that evening. The Lakeview Marching Spartans will march in the parade in Downers Grove on Friday afternoon. The Lakeview Class of 1985 will also be holding a reunion this weekend also to renew old friendships.
Have a great week.!
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