Dawning of a New Era
Many of you know that the Board of Education accepted my retirement request at their meeting on January 10th. This has been a long and hard decision to make but I am sure that it is in the best interest of the District to take my leave at the end of this school year.
Obviously, after 39 years as a teacher, bus driver, assistant principal and principal of Ide and Center Cass and now superintendent it is time for a change. It has been and continues to be a wonderful life serving this community!I have and will have mixed feelings like all of our retirees this year as I continue to do the very best I can for the District and until the end of June.
At this time, I have no firm plans for the future but will find a new opportunity to occupy my time when my wife, Cheryl does not have me tagging along on one of her travels. The Board of Education will be busy next week interviewing superintendent search firms to conduct a search for the new superintendent. They hope to have a final candidate by April 1, 2012.
In the meantime, I will continue to love every minute of my time in Center Cass!
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