Blow Blow the Winter Wind

This cold blustery weather has me thinking of the season and especially of the beautiful seasonal choral piece by John Rutter of the same title. While the wind blows we are trying to work off the excess food consumed over the long Thanksgiving Holiday and regain some form of normal eating. The snow flurries this morning remind me that winter is just around the corner and ski season can't be far behind.
While this sounds nice and pleasant we are still waiting for the construction of the fence to enclose our new bus parking lot so that we can begin to use it. We hope to have this completed before the snow falls in force. The pace of construction for this project has been very slow and frustrating. We had hoped to have this completed by the start of school and now will not complete all of the final landscaping and plantings until the spring time since the vegetation will not thrive at this time of year.
In the next couple of weeks, the winter concert season will begin and bring the sounds of the season to the Lakeview Gym on several evenings. Please plan to join us for one of these evenings as we showcase the talents of our students. The Junior Varsity basketball season is underway and will conclude before winter break begins.
Have a great week and think SNOW!
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