October 8, 2010

Hasn't the weather been delightful this week? We have had great weather for football games and Cross Country meets! Congratulations to our Football team which is having a banner year and currently undefeated! Good work to team members and Coach Dvorak and Count Novotny! The Boys Cross Country team also has an unblemished record under the leadership of Coach Rodda and Coach Urbas. It was nice to see a large group of cheerleaders cheering for our football team at the Cass game this week. The young ladies looked sharp and well prepared. Thanks to them for their spirit and kudos to Miss Coppoletta and Mrs. Maass for their hard work with the cheerleaders.
I am so proud of all of the Center Cass teachers this year. These professionals are working under extreme pressure to continue to develop and enhance our RtI Program not only in Reading but also Mathematics as well as implement the new PBIS Program. All of their hard work along with the leadership of dedicated principals is paying off in highly focused learning opportunities for our students!
October 22nd has been designated as School Bus Driver Appreciation Day by the Illinois House of Representatives. This day is set aside to recognize the men and women who transport over 1,100,000 students daily in Illinois to and from school. Illinois School Bus Drivers each year travel over 122,000,000 miles on regular routes, 4,200,000 miles on field trips, 3,700,000 miles on vocational routes and 8,800,000 miles on special education routes. The Center Cass Transportation System operates over 120,000 miles per year transporting our students to and from school as well as field trips and other events. We are fortunate to have an exceptional group of men and woman that provide safe and efficient transportation for our children. I hope that you and your children will take the opportunity to remember your bus driver with a note or card during the week of October 18th. Cards to bus drivers also may be mailed to our Transportation Director, Mr. Tom Tiede, Prairieview School, 699 Plainfield Road, Downers Grove, IL 61516. Drivers will be honored with a breakfast on October 22 to mark this important day.
Over 60 of our 8th graders will be traveling to Washington D.C. this weekend for the annual Washington Trip! Thanks to Mrs. Maaas, Mrs. Coppoletta, Miss Enzbigilis, Mrs. Bergmann and Mr. Little for accompanying this group!
Have a great weekend!
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