The Sounds of Failure!

Public services in Illinois continue to stagger along on basic life support. Throughout the state organizations that provide health care, mental health and educational services are slowly dying of neglect from our elected officials of both parties. Schools are getting ready to release teachers in record numbers due to the financial crisis. Estimates run from 13,000 to 20,000 teachers will be released this year. While the legislators try to avoid blame in an election year it is really their fault since taxpayers and property owners have done their share and do all that they can do.
Illinois Issues Magazine condemned the Illinois General Assembly for the “deadbeat” status they have inflected on the state and the damage they they have caused public service institutions. It is blatantly unfair to local communities that struggle to keep up their responsibilities only to have the State of Illinois fail to meet their responsibilities. Editor Dana Heupel states the legislators from both parties have ignored their duty for political gain and states, “It is ethically reprehensible. It violates everything they espouse in their speeches and brochures. It's just plain wrong.”
Meanwhile while we wait for over $205,000 of late state payments we have to make employment decisions for some of our staff for next year due to legal contractual requirements. This year, citizens need to rise up and elect ethical and responsible people to public office. Both parties are wrong and responsible for this mess. The Democrats have given us Rod Blagojevich and Emil Jones while the Republicans just refuse to participate in a solution to this situation. People need to watch and listen carefully as we move forward. It is indisputable that there is no way to increase revenues enough to restore solvency just as there is no way to cut budgets enough to restore solvency without destroying the systems that provide these crucial services to the people of Illinois. It is obvious that we need leaders who can work together to reduce costs and increase revenues together. Obviously the General Assembly has never heard the phrase Together We Can.
Don't forget that Governor Quinn makes his budget address live Wednesday at noon.
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