Summer Thoughts

School is out for the summer. Summer school has begun and is moving along smoothly with a full enrollment. Summer workshops for teachers are underway also. The cleaning of buildings and building repairs are already well underway. End of the year reports are being processed and submitted to Springfield. This is a busy time of the year but it is a different type of busy than when students are present.
There is still no action of any type to deal with the state fiscal crisis and deficit which is now said to exceed $11 billion for next year. Politicians are posturing and hiding, doing everything they can to avoid dealing with the issue and having to take a stand that might poorly reflect on them during the November elections. This is a great state!
In the mean time, we continue to prepare for the coming school year with the resources and information we have at this time knowing that anything and everything can change in a moment. I hope that the summer is a time of rest and relaxation for you and yours.
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