Woodridge Parade 2009
The Village of Woodridge held a special parade this past weekend to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Village and the 40th Anniversary of the Woodridge Park District. This parade featured over 100 units and the route followed Woodridge Drive from just east of Route 53 to Jefferson Junior High School. The parade was very well attended along the parade route by cheering people of all ages! The highlight of the parade was the appearance of the Lakeview Marching Spartan Band and the Center Cass School District 66 Board of Education riding on a vintage fire truck provided by the Bell Family for the parade. Thanks to Mike Adams, Director of the Woodridge Park District, for a great job in organizing the parade and also to all of the volunteers who worked to make it a safe and orderly event!
Pictured is the Board of Education on their firetruck during the parade. Board members Bob Koch, Jeanne Grimmer, Cathie Killian, Sue Armato, Dan Slayden, Linda Millbrandt and MarkMotuelle all participated in the parade. Thanks to members Dan Slayden, Bob Koch and Mark Motuelle for passing out bags of candy to hungry parade goers along the route.
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