Illinois Moves On!
The conclusion of the Senate Hearing last Thursday and the removal of Governor Rod Blagojevich has brought an abrupt end to the Blagojevich era. For many this could not have come soon enough. After begging for mercy since he didn't do anything wrong in a 45 minute speech to the Senate the Governor took his last taxpayer funded private plane flight back to Chicago and was out jogging by the time the final votes were cast. What will happen as new Governor Quinn begins to set a course for Illinois?
Governor Quinn has stated that he will model his administration after Governor John Peter Altgeld who served in 1896 and was known as a progressive reformer. At a press conference held on Thursday, the new Governor has indicated that he will focus his efforts on developing an economic plan to deal with the horrendous deficit accumulated by the former administration. At this time no one knows the extent of the deficit since the Blagojevich administration often held bills and did not submit them promptly to the comptroller's office for payment. The deficit may be higher that $4 billion! In other immediate actions Governor Quinn has removed the Blagojevich name from all Illinois Tollway signs, removed the large state police security team attached to the Blagojevich family, and will reverse the previous order to close state parks. Quinn has spoken in support of capital construction plan that is disparately needed.
This week we will begin to see how the “new” Springfield will work. There is the promise of perhaps a more civil and open atmosphere in our government. We will need to be watchful this week as Governor Quinn begins to announce staff appointments and make other decisions that have been relegated to the back burner for many months. Hand on!
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