What Next for Illinois????

How are you holding up with all of the Illinois bashing and jokes appearing across the country in various media? Isn't it great? Where do we go from here?
The Sunday newspapers are full of stories about the plight of Illinois in terms of a leadership void, the fiscal crisis that continues to grow and all of the distractions that surround our illustrious Governor. We need to find a way to move on. I think there will be a great deal of activity this week in various places to try and do just that.
I am sure that we will see increased activity with the impeachment issue this week. Speaker Madigan has called the Illinois House back to Springfield for a session on Wednesday. Could this mean that the impeachment committee is ready to render a finding? If so the House could vote this week which would then set up a hearing in the Senate. I think our legislators are feeling a good deal of pressure from citizens to deal with Governor Blagojevich in anyway they can. Stay tuned and be sure to follow the Impeachment Committee session on Tuesday. These sessions have be broadcast on the web at cnn.com and have been very interesting to watch. Check it out!
We will also be forced this week to follow the saga of Senate Appointee, Roland Burris and his quest to be seated in the seat held by President-elect Obama. This is another circus we did not need and only through the outlandish disregard for the public will did Governor Blagojevich make this appointment. There is plenty of blame to go around regarding this issue since Democratic legislators could have taken action to remove the appointment power from the Governor but did not do so fearing a Republican might win the seat if an election were held.
Roland Burris will present himself in Washington D. C. this week and more posturing, about whether or not he will be seated, will begin. Despite all of the rhetoric, I suspect that at sometime Mr. Burris will be seated since the Governor did appoint him. I think a precedent setting case involving the flamboyant Representative from Harlem, Adam Clayton Powell in the late 1960's will force the Senate to seat Burris.
Stay tuned and enjoy this week and the history it may make!
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