Legislative Session Resumes
The Illinois General Assembly returns to action Tuesday, April 1st. It will be interesting to see what actions are taken to deal with the impending fiscal crisis facing our state. Will this be a two ring circus with just the House and Senate or a three ring circus with the House, Senate and Governor? Nevertheless, this session promises to be long on drama and most likely short on any substantive action. Tune in at www.ilga.gov.
In other action, word has come from ISBE that some appropriated funds for FY 08 are not going to be released to local districts. Among these funds are; Gifted education funding that were just restored to the budget last year, Rural Learning Initiative, Teacher Mentoring, and Classroom Cubed. Approximately $25 million for these and other budget lines will not be expended this year in order to help the state deal with an estimated $750 million shortfall in revenue for the FY 08 budget.
HB 4180 that would have lifted the mandate for schools to begin each day with “moment of silent reflection” has hit a snag as Senator Kimberly Lightford, original sponsor of this bill, has taken over the sponsorship of this bill in an effort to preserve this ridiculous law. Obviously, she does not feel that local school districts are able to decide how to start the school day and need direction form the state to do so.
Stay tuned!!
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